This weekend Paul moved apartments. In short, it was really hot and everything was really heavy. But that’s not what I want to talk to you about. I want to tell you about the dinner I made Monday night.
We had no real food in the apartment (due to the whole moving thing), and we were tired of leftover pizza, so I used what we had and I think it turned out pretty good. I call it “Way Better than Regular Yellow Rice.”
First, make some Goya Yellow Rice. I’m not going to tell you how to do that, it’s on the box.
When it’s finished get out a big ol’ frying pan and combine cooked rice
Olive Oil! (A tablespoon or two. Or more! More can't hurt!)
A can of Great Northern Beans (drained and rinsed)
A can of Chickpeas (my favorite food ever) (also drain and rise)
A can of petite diced tomatoes (drain)
One Yellow Onion (diced)
A liberal amount of garlic (we use this jar stuff, I have no idea what amount this translates into in real-garlic world. But I always use a LOT of garlic. So use whatever you consider a lot)
Ground pepper, cumin, and paprika (I don’t measure things, I can’t say how much. A lot, I use a lot of most everything)
Okay, so that’s all in the frying pan, right? Now heat it up.
Feeds 4 as a main dish, or 2 and one Paul. As a side dish it probably feeds 100.
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