Friday, May 28, 2010

not doing math homework

All I can say so that the Summerfest craft show was a complete FAIL. I sold one whole thing! But I can say that I did better than most of the tables around me – turnout was horrible. I think I saw about 40 people who were not other vendors or volunteers. So in a way that makes me feel better, I failed due to circumstances, not because people don’t like my things. But a good turn out would have been nice– then I would at least know if people liked my stuff and if I should try again! Maybe I’ll look for another show around Christmas, but I’m taking a break for now. I’ve moved back to knitting:

Hopefully, someday, this blob will turn into this sweater. (Slinky Ribs)

Also, it’s very hot. Quinn doesn’t like it one bit.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


My favorite scene from my favorite show